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121日,我在哈佛法学院听了Alan Dershowitz教授主讲的“法律职业”这门课。感觉就像见到从前的偶像。熟悉美国法律的人一定知道, Dershowitz教授是法律界的大家。在美国,他被称为“全球最著名的刑事辩护律师”、“最知名、最直言不讳的律师”。他25岁进入哈佛法学院任教。1967年,28岁的他成为哈佛法学院历史上最年轻的终身教授。Dershowitz撰写了27部小说和非小说类作品,其中有6本为最畅销书。想要更全面地了解他杰出的职业生涯,请参看:http://www.alandershowitz.com/














                                    Meeting Your Idol

On December 1st, I attended Alan Dershowitz's class on legal profession at Harvard Law School.  People who are familiar with the US legal profession would undoubtedly be aware that Professor Dershowitz is a giant in the legal profession.  Has been called "the best-known criminal lawyer in the world," "the most renowned and outspoken attorney" in the US.  He is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School where he first became a professor at age 25.  In 1967, at the age of 28, he became the youngest full professor in Harvard Law School history.  Professor Dershowitz is the author of 27 works of fiction and non-fiction, including 6 bestsellers. For a fuller description of his exceptional career please see http://www.alandershowitz.com/.


I had heard about him since my law school days in the US in early 1980s'.  One particular story stayed with me all these years, it was about his objection to teaching on Saturdays:  when he first joined the Harvard Law Faculty, there were Saturday classes.  He went up to the Dean and told him that he could not teach on Saturdays because it was against his Jewish religion.  The Dean could not really just to exempt him so he decided to cancel the Saturday classes for all teachers.  As a young law student from China, I was hugely impressed; he became my instant hero.  Over the years, I have followed his news stories and books.  So, it was particularly gratifying for me to see the Professor's performance in class in person.


It was Professor Dershowitz's last class for the semester.  He started the class by showing a video tape of a story where some of America's high-powered lawyers decided to run a unusual Ads in a prison magazine calling for information about a list of government witnesses.  One of the people whose name appeared on the Ads ended up dead.  He posted the question to his class, “if you were the defense attorney, would you do it?”  It is a practical but tough question, to which he does not believe there is a right or wrong answer.  He told the students that the real world is full of tough situation, rarely black or white.  He offered to students, as a bonus of taking his class, that for 5 years, if any of them runs to any tough situation, they can call him for advice free of charge (apparently he offers this to all of his students).   


He also gave each of his students a copy of his book, Letters to a Young Lawyer (for this and other books by Professor Dershowitz please click here: http://tinyurl.com/35ygpr6).  As a guest, I too received a copy with Professor Dershowitz's autograph. The book was originally published in 2001.  It gave practical advice to young lawyers and others on almost every aspect of being a lawyer.  I read this particular book before and really like it.  In fact, I would recommend to anyone who is thinking about starting or thinking about getting into the legal profession.  Although it is for a legal system that is very different from that of China, I believe the critical thinking that goes into analyzing various issues is equally applicable in China.


Before ending the class, Professor Dershowitz also shared his wisdom to the departing students.  He wished them to "do well and to do good".  By "do well", he means that he wishes each of them to be successful in life; and by "do good", he means that they should also engage in things that will make positive impact to the community and society in which they live.  He talked about maintaining a balance of the two.  He talked about money and sex including on how to collect legal fees and the ethics issues involved and on how to avoid getting into the wrong relationship with clients, fellow lawyers, opposing counsel, judges, prosecutors, etc..  He also offered advice of a general nature such as "don't have heroes (as you are likely to be disappointed), but have mentors," "don't try to do everything you are best at, trying something that makes you a little uncomfortable and gives you a balance," "try your best in a career which you have the best control over (you will never have total control), etc.   


Some of these advices can be found in his book, Letters to a Young Lawyer.  Again, I highly recommend it (For a Chinese translation of this book please see: http://tinyurl.com/23a8u5p)

I met with Professor Dershowitz briefly after the class.  We talked about his books.  He told me that he first visited China in 1978 or 79 and he would love to visit again. He also told me that the “Letters to a young Lawyer” has been translated Chinese, but not sure if “the Best Defense” has been (I confirmed that later that it is available in Chinese, http://www.verycd.com/topics/2849259/. He gave me a copy of “the Best Defense” and said that it is the most relevant one among all of his books on jurisprudence.  He is interested in seeing that this book and his other books are available for Chinese readers.






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